Things You Should Not Keep in a Self-Storage Unit

Both individuals and businesses can benefit from self-storage. Appliances, furniture, office materials, family heirlooms, and seasonal things can all be stored in your unit to keep your House Hold or office clutter-free. For all of your storage needs, offers a range of storage unit sizes.


There are some items you should not store in a self-storage unit, though. There will be a list of "prohibited" items at each storage facility. Follow this checklist, and at the time of rental, read your contract. If you place any of the prohibited objects, you risk being fined or possibly detained. Make sure you are aware of the things that should not be stored in your storage unit before renting one. This list will assist you in safeguarding both your possessions and the people close to you.

 Valuable items: should not be kept in a self-storage facility, including jewellery, valuable historical coins, and precious metals. It's best to put these things in a safe deposit box at your bank or at home. The renting of these products is permitted in a few storage facilities, but they demand proof of individual insurance on the goods. Additionally, avoid keeping cash in your unit because it is not a bank safe or safe deposit box. Keep passports, social security cards, and tax records in a fireproof box at home rather than in a self-storage facility.

Plants and Living Things: Plants cannot thrive in an environment devoid of oxygen or light, and storage unit is not a greenhouse. It is not permitted to keep them in your self-storage unit. Obviously, keeping animals or pets in self-storage is not a good idea. Not only is this absolutely forbidden, but it also puts the animal's life in danger. Self-storage of plants and animals will also result in an infestation of bugs and other vermin.

Perishable Items–Food should not be kept in your self-storage unit if it is perishable. In the extreme conditions of a non-climate controlled storage unit, food can get spoil quickly and invite unwanted bugs to storage unit. Opened containers of spices, cereals and other non-perishable items should not be stored in self storage. In a self-storage unit, canned items may survive the temperatures, but it's not advisable to store them there.

Toxic, Hazardous, Stolen or Illegal Substances-Chemicals, fertilisers, and common cleaning supplies should not be kept in self-storage facilities since they are toxic, and hazardous. Extreme temperatures make these substances extremely poisonous and hazardous. They can set off a fire or result in a chemical catastrophe in your storage unit and the nearby storage units. Additionally, certain storage facilities forbid the storage of weapons and ammunition. The weapons could be a deadly even if they are old and no longer they are also not allowed in the storage units. facilities are subject to searches, so you can’t keep these items in their Store Room.


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